Four Lane LED Replacement

Geographical View of the Street Lights

Geographical Satellite image of Coastal Highway, Moti Daman

Geographical Satellite view of Bamanpuja to Dholar Char Rasta

Geographical Satellite image of Bridge Culvert to football ground

Geographical Satellite image of Kachigam Char Rasta to Outpost

Geographical Satellite image of Bhimpore Char Rasta to Mirasol

Geographical Satellite image of Hotel Suruchi to Kalaria Junction Route


Design of streetlight depends on various parameters such as type of road, pole height, spacing between poles, atmospheric condition, temperature and type of application etc. In general, spacing between street lights is 25m. Following parameters are used for the selection of LED streetlights based on span

Spacing LED street lights (Watts)
25m to 30m 60
30m to 50m 72
50m to 60m 86
Spacing more than 70m 90 or more as per location requirement
Spacing criteria for LED Street lights

The spacing between two poles is in the range of 25m to 30m. But based on the application and type of road (four lane road) it is recommended that a 72 Watt LED street light be installed instead of 60 Watt.

The proposed LED wattage for various four lane roads survey are as under,

  Coastal Highway Moti Daman

Recommended LED street light wattage for four lane Coastal Highway, Moti Daman is 72 Watts for poles P1 (GPS No.1900) to P39 (GPS No.1938), P42 (GPS No.1941) to P129 (GPS No.28) and 90 Watts for poles P40 (GPS No.1939) and P41 (GPS No.1940). Poles P40 and P41 cover the junction called Magarwada 6 Rasta, so it is recommended that a 90 Watt LED be installed here.

  Bamanpuja to Dholar Char Rasta

It is recommended that the LED street light wattage for four lane Bamanpuja stretch to Dholar char rasta is 72 Watts for poles P1 (GPS No.1467) to P25 (GPS No. 1491), P27 (GPS No.1493)to P39 (GPS No.1505), P41 (GPS No.1507) to P132 (GPS No.1598) and 90 Watts for poles P26 (GPS No.1492)and P40 (GPS No.1506).

  Bridge Culvert to football ground

Recommended LED street light wattage for four lane Bridge Culvert to football ground is 72 Watts for poles P1 (GPS No.1351) to P13 (GPS No.1372).

  Kachigam Char Rasta to Outpost

Recommended LED street light wattage for four lane Kachigam Char Rasta to Outpost is 72 Watts for poles P1 (GPS No.209) to P74 (GPS No.282).

  Bhimpore Char Rasta to Mirasol

Recommended LED street light wattage for four lane Bhimpore Char Rasta to Mirasol is 72 Watts for poles P1 (GPS No.410) to P43 (GPS No.453).

  Hotel Suruchi to Kalaria Junction Route

Recommended LED street light wattage for four lane Hotel Suruchi to Kalaria Junction Route is 72 Watts for poles P1(GPS No.844) to P236 (GPS No.1467).